Friday, January 21, 2022

योग के लिए पोशाक का पूरा कवर होना जरूरी है ? spiritual headstart 31

yoga dress for female योग के लिए पोशाक का पूरा कवर होना जरूरी है ? Spiritual Headstart Episode 31 The video covers the topic if it is necessary for a woman or a girl to cover the body while practicing yoga. The author has explained the thing in the simplest way.

As mentioned in the video viewers are advised to watch all six episodes available online on youtube. 1. Episode 1 Tale of kundalini awakening and chakra - Shakti Ohm 

2. Episode 2 Tale of kundalini awakening, chakras, endocrine system, and koshas- shakti Ohm 

3. Episode 3 ॐ Ohm aum as creator and omnipotent presence of God- om chanting -Shakti Ohm 

4. Episode 4 Tribandha pranayama, moola bandha, Ashwini mudra and Basic pranayama for shakti ohm

5. Episode 5 Tribandha and kundalini

6. Episode 6 Shakti Ohm Chakraayam Live Demonstration